Monday, April 1, 2019

The third day of the course

In the morning we went to the Euro–Math and Science conference, which took part on the same date and the same place as our course. Our trainer had a lecture about the Math and Games project. After lecture, we acquainted with a new game-  Checkers (Dammen).
Checkers is an abstract strategy-game where players move disc-shaped pieces across an 8 by 8 cross-hatched (checker) board. Pieces only move diagonally forward and only one space at a time. Only the dark squares of the board are used.  If player can move one of his pieces so that it jumps over an adjacent piece of his opponent  and into an empty space, that player captures the opponent's piece and removes it from the board. The capturing is mandatory.
The goals are: counting reliably up to 12 items, reading and writing and comparing numbers up to 8,
adding single-digit numbers from numbers up to 8, multiply from 2-8....

 After the coure I went to the Coral bay and the King's of the thombs.It was such a beautiful day!

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