After breakfast we all met to had a conclusion of our course and to say goodbye to each other. I was really thankful to Roland, Jana, Heiner and David, because they welcomed me into the group. They really took care of me!!! They invited me to join them wherever they went! It was a pleasure to be part of their group! They are all so nice people!!! The course was great and the people was great! It was such a nice experience!
Sunday, April 7, 2019
The fourth day of the Math and Game course.
With game NIM, pupils improve counting to ten, adding and subtracting single-digits with
totals to 10,...After the presentation we had discussion about different use of
Others chose a game MILL. It is a board game for two
players. Each player has 9 tokens or
pieces. Tokens are usually coloured black and white. The board consist of a grid with three squares
and four lines. Squares and lines together make twenty-for intersections
or points. The intention of the players
is to form »mils«. That means, three of their own tokens in the same colour
lined horizontally or vertically. If you »get« a mill, it allows the player to
remove an opponent's toke from the game immediately, and it is obligatory. A player wins by reducing the oppnent to two
tokens, where he can no longer form mils and thus is unable to win, or by
putting him in a position where he is unable to move within the rules.
With this game pupils can learn counting reliably up to 9,
read and write numbers up to 9, order and compare numbers up to 10, adding and
subtracting with totals to 10.
Monday, April 1, 2019
The third day of the course
In the morning we went to the Euro–Math and Science
conference, which took part on the same date and the same place as our
course. Our trainer had a lecture about the Math and Games project. After
lecture, we acquainted with a new game- Checkers (Dammen).
Checkers is an abstract strategy-game where players move
disc-shaped pieces across an 8 by 8 cross-hatched (checker) board. Pieces only
move diagonally forward and only one space at a time. Only the dark squares of
the board are used. If player can move
one of his pieces so that it jumps over an adjacent piece of his opponent and into an empty space, that player captures
the opponent's piece and removes it from the board. The capturing is mandatory.
The goals are: counting reliably up to 12 items, reading and
writing and comparing numbers up to 8,
adding single-digit numbers from numbers up to 8, multiply
from 2-8....
More about game we can find on :
The second day - a day of playing games
It was the day for playing games. We had 1 hour and a half
for each game.....
It is important that pupils first play the original version of the game and then a teacher give them an adjusted game to learning math with.
It is important that pupils first play the original version of the game and then a teacher give them an adjusted game to learning math with.
The first game was Scrabble.
It was pretty fun, because we should found and built words in English. And then
we play the game in mathematical version »Math-scrabble«.
The idea is to put construct equalities instead of words. We put digits
and symbols of 4 mathematical operations and symbols of equality on tiles.
Each player has to construct validnequalities on a boars, vertically or
horizontally, using the tiles that he/she has or ones that are already on the
board, like Crosswords. Each tile carries certain points and the players are
trying to use them in order to collect as many points as possible.
I realized that for my pupils there should be only two mathematical
operation, or even better, only + and later - .
The second game was
Connect 4. We have knew that game before, but i never thougt about it in
mathematical way. The goals to achieve
are: count relaibly and sort numbers up
to 10 items, understand coordinate systems and find positions, understand line,
line section and distance and improve child's
attention. For children with special needs, the goals are to improve attention,
and to count reliably.
The third game was Combination
9. It is a game where you should find the right number- the sum of four
numbers must be equal to the number in the big circle. There are 4 big circles
and 9 smaller, where we put the digit. At
the begining you get 9 numbered pawns.
With this game pupils can practice summation of single-digit
numbers up to 30 and adding numbers, items or amounts for producing a sum,
reading and writing numbers up to 30, logical thinking.
For children with special needs we should choose only one of
the squares, with only one summation of 4 digits.
More information about game Combination 9:
More information about game Combination 9:
It was magical! The storm was comming, the sea was rough, there
was some strange, orange light in the park! But at the end it became dangerous-
I was running or beter escaping in the last second. I found a shelter in a small pastry shop, so it was necessary to order a cake!:)
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